Because quality concussion care should be accessible to everyone.

(*You can preview the course for free below!)

A concussion is often interchangeably called a "mild TBI," but frequently, there's nothing "mild" about it. You might be experiencing:

  • Headaches and head pressure simply from reading this webpage.
  • Fatigue and brain fog from everyday conversations.
  • Trouble with busy environments - like your local grocery store. 
  • Feeling extra cranky, sad, or anxious. 
  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded from standing up out of your bed. 
  • And the list goes on... 

And often, you're only told to "rest until your symptoms go away."

If any of these symptoms interfere with your life, then you're in the right place. 

Throughout the Concussion Reset Program, we will progressively work through 8 different milestones of concussion/PCS recovery. Each milestone contains actionable steps and information to build your recovery plan from your own home.  

  1. Early symptom management for screens, lights, and sounds. 
  2. Setting concussion & PCS recovery expectations. 
  3. Building your concussion/PCS exercise plan. 
  4. Build your plate and pick nutritional supplements for recovery. 
  5. Optimize your sleep for neuroplasticity and recovery. 
  6. Build a basic visual and vestibular rehab plan.
  7. Leverage simple home tools to address your neck and whiplash. 
  8. Navigate the mental/emotional roadblocks of concussion/PCS.
  9. Bonus: Self-advocacy notes and resources to take with you to your doctor. 

Step by step, you'll gain control of your concussion recovery. The complete program includes:

  • Downloadable PDF "cheat sheets," trackers, and guides.
  • Weekly "office hours" led by Dr. Mark Heisig with Q&A time to answer any and all questions along the way.
  • Access the online course material, resources, and updates for as long as you maintain your subscription.

Member Testimonial

"Late one night, after suffering from horrible PCS side effects all day, I searched #concussion on Instagram. I happened upon a video of Dr. Mark talking about PCS. So, down the rabbit hole of videos I went. I signed up for his weekly newsletters and then as soon as the Concussion Reset program became available, I signed up. This program is worth every penny I spent. I received more information in the first week than I had in a year of searching. I was able to take what I was learning and how to describe what I was feeling to my PT and doctor. This program has given me the knowledge and the hope I so desperately needed. It is obvious that Dr. Mark has put a lot of time, effort, and compassion into the program. I now have the tools I need to keep moving forward.

My brain is not broken."

- Corrina (Concussion Reset Member)

Milestone Curriculum updates are almost complete!

The target completion date for Milestones 7 & 8 to be updated and uploaded is December 2023. Upon completion of updates, the price will increase.

Concussion Reset Curriculum

  Introduction to this course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Milestone #1: Intro to Symptom Management
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Milestone #2: Setting Recovery Expectations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Milestone #3: Exercise is medicine for concussion.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Milestone #4: Building a recovery plate.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Milestone #5: Sleep is where plasticity happens.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Milestone #6: The visual-vestibular bucket.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Visit #4: Overcoming headaches, neck pain, and balance issues.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Milestone #7: Addressing the neck & whiplash
Available in days
days after you enroll

Begin your recovery today.

Hey there, I'm Dr. Mark Heisig.

I'm an integrative doctor that has specialized in concussion/PCS and athletic performance.

Roughly every other person you meet has had, or will have, a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in their lifetime. Many doctors are still telling patients to rest until symptoms go away. This is outdated at best, and harmful at worst.

My goal is to educate and empower as many athletes, parents, coaches, and folks struggling with (or at high risk of) concussion/PCS so that seasons aren't wasted, work or school is not a struggle, social gatherings are fun again, and life can be enjoyed.

This course was born out of a need to help folks reaching out to me from states and countries where adequate concussion/PCS care has been lacking.

Concussion should be a temporary and functional injury. If you've been struggling, this course can help!